Lyonpo Dr. Tandi Dorji, Hon’ble Minister for Foreign Affairs, launched the second edition of the English-Dzongkha Diplomatic Terminology at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today, 11 July 2022. The second edition contains 336 diplomatic terminology.
The English-Dzongkha Diplomatic Terminology is an initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to support the Dzongkha Development Commission to promote the national language. The objective of the initiative is to ensure correct understanding and uniformity in usage of the diplomatic terminology. The e-copy of the English-Dzongkha Diplomatic Terminology is available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at https://www.mfa.gov.bt/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Second-Edition-English-Dzongkha-Diplomatic-Terminologies-.pdf
The Dzongkha Development Commission provided technical and budgetary support for the initiative. The first edition was published in 2018.
Officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Dzongkha Development Commission attended the launch.