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Press Release


Mr. Kesang Wangdi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Bhutan to the Kingdom of Thailand presented his credentials to His Royal Highness Crown Prince MahaVajiralongkom who represented His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej on Friday 9 August 2013 at 1540 hours at the Ambara Royal Palace in Bangkok, Thailand.

During the ceremony, Ambassador Kesang Wangdi conveyed to His Royal Highness greetings from His Majesty the King to His Royal Highness and His Majesty King Bhumibhol Adyuladej for his goodhealth and well-being.

Bhutan established diplomatic relations with Thailand in November 1989. Since then cooperation between the two countries has grown to encompass many areas such as culture, trade and commerce, tourism, human resource development, agriculture, health and civil aviation.

Ambassador Kesang Wangdi is also concurrently accredited as Bhutan’s Ambassador to theCommonwealth of Australia and the Republic of Singapore.

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