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Press Release on the signing of the Exchange of Notes for the Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers 2013 (KR2-2013)

img_0730Ambassador V. Namgyel of Bhutan signed the Exchange of Note for the Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers 2013 (KR2-2013) with Ambassador Takeshi Yagi of Japan on 16 April 2014.

The Government of Japan has agreed today to extend a grant assistance of 110 million yen (approximately 1.1 million US dollars) to the Royal Government of Bhutan for farm mechanization to improve agricultural produce in Bhutan. Till date Bhutan has received nine underprivileged famers (KR II) grants which have been used to finance two wheel tractors to the farmers throughout the country and the target crops are rice, maize and wheat.

Speaking at the signing ceremony at the Embassy of Japan in New Delhi, Ambassador V. Namgyel said that the impact of farm machines and equipments procured through the KR2 grant has been of immense benefit to the farmers of Bhutan as it eases hard labour, enhances the quality of work and increases crop output. He said that KR2 assistance has generated tremendous appreciation and goodwill for Japan among the farmers and people of Bhutan.

Ambassador V. Namgyel conveyed the deep appreciation of the government and people of Bhutan to the government and people of Japan for their continued friendship and support over the years.

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