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The Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Bhutan to the United Nations in New York hosted a special dinner and cultural event to celebrate the 60th Birth Anniversary of His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo with the Bhutanese community in the United States on Sunday, 8th November 2015 at Long Island City, New York, USA.

The special event began with offering of Marchhang followed by the singing of the National Anthem led by children of the Bhutanese community. The children also offered their prayers for the Long Life of His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo.  An offering of Zhabten Soeldeb to His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo by all guests was followed by a cake offering ceremony by Ambassador Kunzang C. Namgyel.

In her address to the gathering, Kutshab paid tribute to His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo who she said was the embodiment of all that makes a Dharma Raja and a Philosopher King. She recalled that ever since assuming the immense responsibility of the Throne from the tender  age  of  17,  His  Majesty  the  Fourth  Druk  Gyalpo  had  worked  selflessly  with consistency, foresight and wisdom to build a strong and unique nation and with the sole objective of securing the hopes and aspirations of both current and future generations of Bhutanese.

Kutshab said that under the guidance of His Majesty’ the Fourth Druk Gyalpo’s enlightened vision of Gross National Happiness, Bhutan has witnessed remarkable progress in all aspects of its social, economic and political development process at an unprecedented scale. She pointed out that despite being surrounded by large neighbors, Bhutan had maintained its sovereignty and independence; achieved a level of prosperity far beyond the people’s expectations; secured its rightful place in the international comity of nations; and strengthened foreign relations. She also pointed out that today Bhutan is a nation that is widely recognized for the unique and farsighted manner in which a vibrant democracy has been established, where strong foundations for a holistic and sustainable economy have been laid, and where the country’s cultural and environmental heritage remains protected.

Kutshab said that these remarkable achievements under the wise leadership of His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo have provided the country and its people with unshakable foundations and a clear path to embrace the promise of a future where the sovereignty and independence of our nation and the peace and happiness of our people will be forever secured.   In this regard, referring to the Royal Edict issued on 9th December 2006, Kutshab recalled His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo’s statement “that a bright future lies ahead for Bhutan with the leadership of a new King and a democratic system of government” and “that there will be unprecedented progress and prosperity for our nation in the reign of our fifth king.”

Kutshab also recalled that in 2008, His Majesty the King, staying true to the thoughts and legacy of His Father the Fourth Druk Gyalpo, made a solemn and profound pledge to the country and people stating that: “Throughout my reign I will never rule you as a King. I will protect you as a parent, care for you as a brother and serve you as a son. I shall give you everything and keep nothing; I shall live such a life as a good human being that you may find it worthy to serve as an example for your children; I have no personal goals other than to fulfill your hopes and aspirations. I shall always serve you, day and night, in the spirit of kindness, justice and equality.”

In this context, Kutshab underscored that Bhutan was fortunate to have been successively blessed with divine Kings destined to selflessly and constantly serve, protect and lead our country through the challenging times of an ever-changing world.

In concluding her address, Kutshab, on behalf of all members of the Bhutanese community in the United States, expressed profound respects and gratitude to His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo for selflessly and completely devoting every day of His glorious reign in the service and interest of the people and nation and raised a toast to wish His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo a Happy 60th Birthday.

Kutshab also thanked the members of the Bhutanese Association in New York and other members of the community for their contributions and support in organizing the event and make it a success.

A special cultural program dedicated to His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo was organized by the Bhutanese community. A documentary on His Majesty the Fourth King was also screened during dinner. The special event concluded with a performance of traditional dances by all guests and Trashi Lebay by the members of the Permanent Mission of Bhutan and the Bhutanese community.

The Permanent Mission of Bhutan also hosted a special prayer ceremony dedicated to His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo at the Mission on Wednesday, 11 November 2015 as part of the special celebrations of the 60th Birth Anniversary.



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