His Excellency Lyonpo Khandu Wangchuk, Minister In Charge of Foreign Affairs met with Mr. Wang Guangya, Executive Vice Minister, People’s Republic of China and Mr. Yong-joon Lee, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of Korea respectively this evening.
In discussions with China, both sides attached high importance to their bilateral relations and agreed to continue the close cooperation in the international arena. On the boundary issue, the two sides agreed to let the Experts Group meet to discuss the modalities for joint field verification of the border. Mr. Wang Guangya also stated that they would continue to support and work closely with SAARC.
In discussions with the Republic of Korea, both sides acknowledged the potential for enhancing relations between the two countries through sharing of experiences, trainings and technological know-how in the industrial and agricultural sectors.
Their Excellencies also held discussions on matters of mutual interest. Mr. Wang GuangYa and Mr. Yong-joon Lee both lead their country’s delegations at the 16th SAARC Summit as Observer States.
27 April 2010
Ministry of Foreign Affairs