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The Fourth High Impact Community Development Project/Small Development Project Committee Meeting of the 12th FYP between RGoB and GoI held in Thimphu on 29th October 2020

The 4th  Bhutan–India High Impact Community Development Project (HICDP)/Small Development Project Committee (SDPC) Meeting between the Royal Government of Bhutan (RGoB) and the Government of India (GoI) for the 12th Five Year Plan (FYP) was held on 29th October 2020 in Thimphu. The RGoB delegation was led by Mr. Sonam Tobgay, Director, Bilateral Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The GoI delegation was led by Ms. Nidhi Dhiman, Second Secretary (Economic), Embassy of India, Thimphu. 

During the meeting, 70 projects amounting to Nu. 1,254.211 million was approved for the local governments covering the areas of water supply, urban infrastructure, farm roads, irrigation channels, bridges, health and education infrastructure. These projects will enhance accessibility, economic opportunities for the rural communities and contribute to improved livelihoods, job opportunities and food security. These projects are also timely, as they will help to revive the economy amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

The GoI has approved Nu. 45,000 million for the 12th FYP out of which Nu.8,500 million is committed for the HICDPs/SDPs. So far, the RGoB has received Nu. 3,349.916 million for the SDPs, which accounts to 39.41 percent of the total fund committed. All projects are progressing as per the schedule of the 12th Five Year Plan. 

The leader of the Bhutanese delegation thanked the GoI delegation for their full support to Bhutan through the HICDPs/SDPs, which started in the 10th FYP, has had a positive impact on people at the grassroots level. He also thanked GoI for their unstinted support and assistance for the socio-economic development of Bhutan and the recent support to frontloading of GoI support to take up COVID related interventions. The leader of the Indian delegation conveyed the assurance of the GoI to continue supporting Bhutan’s socio-economic development activities, and also provided assurance to release in a timely manner all remaining funds to ensure smooth implementation of the projects.  

                                                                                                                                                29th October 2020     

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