MFA/HRS/CIRCULAR-ANNOUNCEMENT/28/2099 7th August, 2017
As per the endorsement of the RCSC, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is pleased to announce the result of the open selection procedure held on 7th July, 2017 for Chief of Divisions.
- Mr. Phuntsho Norbu (EID# 200201043), Counsellor, RBE New Delhi, MFA has been selected as the Chief of Division, Economic and Development Division, Department of Multilateral Affairs, MFA
- Mrs. Dechen Wangmo (EID# 2101048) Deputy Chief of Division. MFA has been selected as the Chief of Division, Europe, America and Africa Division, Department of Bilateral Affairs, MFA
- Mr. Pema Wangyel, (EID# 9801014), Chief Planning Officer, Policy and Planning Division, MoHCA has been selected for the post of Deputy Chief of Protocol, Missions and Consular Services Division, Department of Protocol, MFA.