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Establishment of diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of Bhutan and the Republic of Poland

The Kingdom of Bhutan and the Republic of Poland, wishing to strengthen and develop mutually beneficial relations between their countries and peoples, have established diplomatic relations with effect from 29 November 2012.

The Joint Communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations was signed between H.E. Mr. Lhatu Wangchuk, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bhutan to the United Nations, and H.E. Mr. Ryszard Sarkowicz, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Poland to the United Nations, at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Poland in New York.

At the signing ceremony, the two Ambassadors expressed the interest of their governments to cooperate closely in the bilateral and multilateral fields. In particular, they expressed the desire to further deepen the present level of cooperation between the two countries at the United Nations and at other multilateral forums.

Poland is the 48th country with which Bhutan has established diplomatic relations.


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