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Foreign Secretary delivers Bhutan’s Statement at the 65th United Nations General Assembly

The Foreign Secretary, Dasho Daw Penjo, delivered Bhutan’s statement today at the concluding day of the General Debate of the 65th Session of the UN General Assembly. The General Debate commenced on 23rd September, which was preceded by the High Level Plenary Meeting on the MDGs from 20 – 22 September 2010.

In his statement, the Foreign Secretary informed the General Assembly of Bhutan’s decision to seek membership for a non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council for the term 2013-2014. He emphasized that even small states should be accorded equal opportunity to participate and contribute to the work of the UN.

The Foreign Secretary sought the support of the UN membership for the proposal made by Lyonchhen last week at the High Level Plenary Meeting at the UN on the inclusion of Happiness as the Ninth MDG.

In line with the theme of the General Debate on “Reaffirming the central role of the United Nations in global governance”, the Foreign Secretary highlighted the centrality of the UN in global affairs, especially at the present times when the world is faced with multiple crises.

He welcomed the establishment of UN Women, the newest agency of the UN established by a resolution in July 2010, which would consolidate all existing mandates and functions relating to women in the UN. He expressed confidence that this agency would address global issues of gender equality and women’s empowerment with greater vigor.

On reform of the United Nations, Bhutan conveyed its full support to the revitalization and strengthening of the General Assembly and the reform of the Security Council in both the permanent and non-permanent categories.

He stressed that success would be essential at COP 16 in Cancun, Mexico, for small and vulnerable countries like Bhutan and stressed its urgent need for necessary resources for mitigation and adaptation measures.

On the sidelines of the General Debate of the 65th UNGA Session, the Bhutanese delegation held bilateral meetings with the delegations of Costa Rica, Guatemala, Chile, Bulgaria, Spain, Colombia, Bahrain, Oman, Indonesia and the UAE. Bhutan also hosted the Informal Meeting of the SAARC Council of Ministers on 28th September.

29th September 2010

Permanent Mission of Bhutan

New York

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