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On 19th September 2017, Hon’ble Foreign Minister Damcho Dorji deposited the Instrument of Ratification to the Paris Agreement to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change during UN Annual Treaty Event held at the UN headquarters in New York. Bhutan became the 161st country to deposit its Instrument of Ratification.

The deposit of the instrument of ratification marks the completion of all necessary processes for Bhutan to formally join the Paris Agreement of 2015 and be Party to the Agreement.

The Paris Agreement is the first of its kind, where countries have come together to agree on a path forward on Climate Change. The objectives set out in the Paris Agreement resonate well with the initiatives undertaken by Bhutan in its endeavours to preserve its pristine environment i.e. one of the four pillars of Gross National Happiness. It is an acknowledgement of the exemplary role taken by Bhutan towards sustainable development, in particular to maintain 70 per cent of its geographical area under forest covers for the well being of the global community and for the future generation.

Bhutan signed the Paris Agreement on 22nd April 2016 and its decision to ratify the Agreement was deliberated and endorsed during the 8th session of the National Assembly in November 2016 and the 19thsession of the National Council in May 2017.

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