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Press Release

Ambassador Kinga Singye presented his credentials to the President of the Swiss Confederation

Bhoutan 2 Kopie Bhoutan 3 KopieOn 23rd June 2016, Ambassador Kinga Singye presented his credentials to the President of the Swiss Confederation, H.E. Mr. Johann N. Schneider-Ammann, at the Federal Palace in Bern accrediting him as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bhutan to Switzerland with residence in Geneva.

President Schneider-Ammann welcomed Ambassador Kinga Singye’s appointment and expressed his wish for a stronger and deeper relationship between Bhutan and Switzerland.

Ambassador Kinga Singye conveyed the warm greetings of His Majesty the King and people of Bhutan to the President and people of Switzerland. He expressed appreciation for the longstanding friendship and cooperation between Bhutan and Switzerland and conveyed his desire and commitment to further strengthen the relationship during his tenure as Ambassador.

Bhutan and Switzerland established formal diplomatic relations on 16 September 1985.

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