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Bhutan’s HOD addresses 23rd High Level Session of 2017 UN Climate Change Conference

The Bhutanese delegation led by Mr. Chencho Norbu, Hon’ble Secretary of National Environment Commission, is attending the 23rd Conference of Parties (COP 23) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, in Bonn, Germany. The annual UN climate change conference in 2017 is taking place midway through the workplan of developing the rulebook for implementing the Paris Agreement.

Speaking at the High Level Segment of the COP23/CMP13/CMA1 to UNFCCC on November 16, 2017, the Hon’ble Secretary reiterated Bhutan’s commitment to remain carbon neutral by following a low emission development pathway and integrating climate actions and the Sustainable Development Goals in our next five-year development plan.

He also stressed the vulnerability of Bhutan as a mountainous, land locked country and highlighted some of the adaptation actions that Bhutan is undertaking. With a significant portion of the population of Bhutan dependent on subsistence agriculture, the Secretary also welcomed the COP decision to start an agriculture work program as a positive way towards addressing climate action in a vulnerable sector.

The Secretary also stated that Bhutan is making good progress in sustainable development, and looked forward to a smooth transition in graduating from LDC status. He therefore called for smooth transition measures under the UNFCCC and Paris Agreement in response to UN General Assembly resolution A/67/221.

In Bonn, the Bhutanese delegation worked closely with other LDCs to start work for process of smooth transition for LDCs in the climate change process and on various issues of common interests in negotiating the Paris rulebook.

At the sideline of the conference, Hon’ble Secretary held bilateral meetings with Germany and various development partner agencies.

The conference will conclude on November 17, 2017. Bhutan completed the ratification of the Paris Agreement with the submission of the instrument of ratification on 19th September 2017.

Bonn, Germany, November 16, 2017

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