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Press Release

The World Health Organization (WHO) Representative to Bhutan Dr. Ornella Lincetto presented her Credentials to the Hon’ble Minister for Foreign Affairs, Lyonpo Rinzin Dorje, at a ceremony conducted at the Gyalyong Tshogkhang on September 30, 2014.

Dr. Lincetto holds a University Degree in Medicine and Surgery (M.D.) from Pediatric of Padova University of Italy; and Masters in Public Health for Developing Countries (M.Ph.) from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine London University, London. Prior to herappointment as the WHO Representative to Bhutan, she worked as Technical Officer-Maternal Health, WHO western Pacific Region country office in Papua New Guinea.

Bhutan formally joined WHO on March 1982. WHO Country Office for Bhutan was established in Thimphu in 1983. WHO is the lead technical partner of the Royal Government of Bhutan in the area of health.

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