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Press Release on the 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries

Hon’ble Lyonchhen (Dr.) Lotay Tshering leading an eight member delegation to the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5) arrived in Doha, Qatar on 3rd March. The LDC5 Conference will take place from 5-9
th March 2023 in Doha, Qatar.

Themed ‘From Potential to Prosperity,’ the LDC5 Conference will gather world leaders, the private sector, civil society, parliamentarians, and the youth to advance new ideas, raise new pledges of support, and spur delivery on agreed commitments, through the Doha Programme of Action. 

During the Conference, Hon’ble Lyonchhen will deliver statements during the Summit of the LDC Group on 4th March 2022,  and during the plenary session of the General Debate on 5th March. In addition, Hon’ble Lyonchhen will co-chair the Round Table on ‘Leveraging the power of science, technology and innovation for the sustainable development of LDCs’ and deliver opening remarks during the High Level Panel Discussion on ‘Least Developed Countries Fund: Catalysing climate adaptation actions in the Least Developed Countries,’ both to be held on 6th March 2023. On the sidelines, Lyonchhen is also expected to meet with several bilateral and multilateral partners of Bhutan.

Hon’ble Lyonchhen will also meet with the Bhutanese community in Qatar during the visit. 

Live sessions of the Conference can be viewed at

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