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SAARC Coordination Workshop

The Department of SAARC and Regional Organisations under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs conducted a one day Coordination Workshop for SAARC Focal Points from various ministries and agencies on 24 December 2012 in Hotel Druk, Phuntsholing. The workshop was opened by Foreign Secretary Dasho Yeshey Dorji.

More than twenty one senior Government officials including director generals and directors from different ministries and agencies of the Royal Government attended the workshop and presented updates on SAARC activities in their respective sectors and exchanged views, comments and suggestions on improving coordination in implementing and participation in SAARC activities.  The CEO of the SAARC Development Fund made a presentation on the roles and responsibilities of the Fund and the projects it is currently implementing in all SAARC countries.

The workshop is funded under the SAARC-Japan Special Fund for capacity building provided by Japan to the SAARC Member States through the SAARC Secretariat.


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