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The Foreign Minister of Pakistan calls on Lyonpo Khandu Wangchuk, Minister in Charge of Foreign Affairs

H.E. Mr. Makhdoom Shah Qureshi, Foreign Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, called on Lyonpo Khandu Wangchuk, Minister in Charge of Foreign Affairs on 26 April 2010.
Mr. Qureshi felicitated Bhutan for the recent transition to parliamentary democracy and said the voluntary embracement of parliamentary democracy was a landmark decision that brought respect from the international community for Bhutan’s leadership.
Mr. Qureshi said Pakistan and Bhutan could further cooperate in a number of economic, cultural and political areas. He also offered to cooperate in the area of human resource development.
The Foreign Minister of Pakistan expressed his appreciation for GNH and said GNH was a beautiful concept that he would talk about back in Pakistan.
Mr. Qureshi arrived in the country on 26 April 2010 to attend the Thirty Second Session of the SAARC Council of Ministers leading to the Sixteenth SAARC Summit.

26 April 2010
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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