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Vacancy Announcement

International Organization for Migration has invited interested individuals to apply for a Junior Professional Officer Programme (JPO) on behalf of the Nedworc Foundation. The Junior Professional Officer Programme (JPO) aims to give young professionals an opportunity to work in a UN organisation for two to three years โ€“ and thus get a foothold in the UN system and gain valuable experience for a continued career within the field of global development. Currently some 30 countries finance the programme for their nationals, but only a few sponsor citizens from developing countries. 

The Netherlands represented by the Nedworc Foundation is now widening the scope for the Dutch JPO programme. For more information on the Dutch JPO programme please visit

 To be a JPO is a unique opportunity to work for the UN and a great way to start an international career.  It is also important for the UN to have a diverse workforce that fully represent the whole world population which UN works.  

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